[TIP] Everybody wants a pony!

Douglas Philips dgou at mac.com
Tue Mar 31 08:13:14 PDT 2009

On 2009 Mar 31, at 10:32 AM, C. Titus Brown wrote:
> Anyway, along the lines of a pony, I am proposing to build or extend a
> replacement for buildbot that will serve those of you who need a  
> simpler
> and more easily-installable continuous interation framework.  I have a
> few basic ideas, but I'd love to hear what everyone else has to say.

Sounds great, but does it have to be easy_install?
Since this is already force multiplying simplicity and loosely coupled- 
ness, maybe have a simple infection server that you can bootstrap  
various distributed python tools with. If that thing used easy_install  
I really wouldn't care, it'd be abstracted away... Hmmm...

I like simple. I like that twill is almost stable, sorry, dead, enough  
to be in the standard library. Keep raising the low-tide mark. (did  
the twill sprint mutate into figleaf? Hard to tell being back home  
instead of at pycon itself).

I also like the idea that results reporting can be separated out, so I  
could "ease" into using this by keeping my buildbot infrastructure for  
a while, and start with adding in the pieces "on top". Then a basement  
replacement is an obvious tipping point change with little risk.


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