[twill] Form action value accessible

sureshvv suresh_vv at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 22 05:59:08 PST 2005

Titus Brown wrote:
> -> 
> -> I thought I would basically follow your formvalue pattern, i.e.
> -> there would be a "formaction" command with a "fa" alias.
> -> I would also tweak utils.print_form to display the current
> -> form action.  (I'll do this probably tomorrow as I've got
> -> to get *SOME* sleep ;-)

1. Edit commands.py
2. Add "formaction" and "fa" to command list on top
3. Add following after formclear


def formaction(formname, action):
     >> formaction <formname> <action_url>

     Sets action parameter on form to action_url
     form = browser.get_form(formname)
     form.action = action

fa = formaction


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