[TIP] Why does tox use "pip install --pre" by default?

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Mon Sep 29 01:46:39 PDT 2014

In a message of Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:32:51 -0000, holger krekel writes:
>Well, for one there are all kinds of different users and over time it
>also changes.  So "a naive user" is not as easy to pinpoint.  Probably
>none of the people here on the list are "naive users".

This is true, but I think that 'people who know they want a beta version 
of a release' are guaranteed to be less naive than 'people who are unaware 
that beta versions of releases even exist, and who are also unaware that
it is something that they need to think about'. 

The question is, is the second an acceptable level of naivité?  How
many tox users are that naive?  Should we tolearate them remaining so?
In the absence of hard numbers, reasonable people can disagree about


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