[TIP] nose/py.test plugins

Ned Batchelder ned at nedbatchelder.com
Wed Nov 25 03:13:13 PST 2009

(sorry, first message was mis-sent.)

holger krekel wrote:
> Hi Ned, Ross, David, 
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 07:45 -0500, Ned Batchelder wrote:
>> So I want to make sure that these plug-ins play well with those (future)  
>> improvements to coverage.  I know this is a bit much to ask at this 
>> point.
> A config file would help to eliminate tons of command line options from the 
> plugins and ease coverage moving on consistently.
> Question: do you want to generally package the nose/py.test plugin 
> code with the coverage package?  
> Currently nose comes with a builtin coverage plugin (where David
> just recently posted an update) and i guess this would need 
> to change?! 
This is the interesting inter-package question.  Originally, I thought 
that shipping the plugin with coverage made the most sense, since it was 
adding new features and switches faster than the nose plugin API was 
changing.  But once we get to configuring coverage through a 
side-channel (the config file), the plug-in command-line interface 
immediately becomes stable: "--with-coverage" takes care of it.

Having nose ship the plug-in solves the question of what to do with the 
old nose plug-in, but doesn't help with the gap between finishing the 
plug-in and the next release of nose.  Likely what will happen is the 
plug-in will become part of the coverage.py kit, *and* it will be added 
into the next version of nose.  In the gap, there will be a few emails 
along the lines of "install nose first, then install coverage.py, and 
everything will work fine."
> cheers,
> holger

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