[TIP] mock.patch in version 0.5 doesn't mock __exit__ method on open files

Matthew Wilson matt at tplus1.com
Sun Jul 12 08:52:38 PDT 2009

This test passes when I use mock 0.4 and fails with 0.5:

def test_to_html(o):

    global b
    b.to_html('bogus filepath')

Here's the definition of b.to_html:

    def to_html(self, filepath):
        Write this bag out as HTML to a file at filepath.

        with open(filepath, 'w') as f:

mock 0.5 has this code:

    128     def __getattr__(self, name):
    129         if self._methods is not None:
    130             if name not in self._methods:
    131                 raise AttributeError("Mock object has no
attribute '%s'" % name)
    132         elif _is_magic(name):
--> 133             raise AttributeError(name)

When __exit__ gets called, that code raises the AttributError.

I can see good reasons fo not mocking magic methods automatically, but
can I explicitly say I do want __open__ and __exit__ to be mocked?

mock is great software by the way.


Matthew Wilson
matt at tplus1.com

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