[socal-piggies] We need more PyCon US 2013 submissions!

Cynthia Kiser cnk at ugcs.caltech.edu
Fri Sep 28 20:43:14 PDT 2012

Quoting Diane Trout <diane at caltech.edu>:
> There's a LA Semantic web meetup?

Yup. Been running a couple of years. They usually meet over on the
west side so I don't get out to their meetings very often. Their next
one is Tuesday.

> After my experiences trying to submit data, I realized the only was
> I was going to get agencies to publish their controlled vocabularies
> using some kind of easily parseable schema would be to go out and
> talk about the technology.

Indeed. Nothing succeeds like showing people how to do it the way you
would like to see them do it. 

> Are you doing semantic web development? I noticed you're at Caltech,
> and I'd like to talk to someone else actually using the stack.

I am not on the research side of Caltech any more. And I don't really
use any sematic tools in my job. But I am still interested to hear how
science and informatics meld and yours sounded like a great talk. Hope
it gets accepted for PyCon and that you can give a practice run at it
some place local so I can come out and hear it. 

Cynthia N. Kiser
cnk at ugcs.caltech.edu

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