[socal-piggies] "impromptu" lightning talks

Titus Brown titus at caltech.edu
Wed Jun 7 23:10:49 PDT 2006

-> Speaking of meeting topics, I'd like to nominate a topic...for someone else.

hmm, the e-mail is *from* Mark, but it sounds *strangely* like an e-mail
from Grig...

-> Reading through the comments about the Cheesecake project reminded me that I
-> don't know anything about the strangely controversial topic of packaging
-> python modules for distribution. If someone could talk about the different
-> approaches, and what problems they solve, I'd be very interested.
-> (I had been planning to research this topic myself, but didn't get around to
-> it, and now I'm under the impression that there's already a good bit of
-> knowledge about this topic in the group.)

It really does seem like the perfect topic for someone involved in the
Cheesecake project to present; I'm sure we'd all learn a lot about The
One True Way to Package Python Programs (TOTWPPP?)...



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