[socal-piggies] Dinner on Dec. 7th

Titus Brown titus at caltech.edu
Mon Nov 28 22:28:17 PST 2005

-> (Welcome to Morten Bagai, who will also hopefully join us for our
-> regular meetings. You can go to the About Us page at
-> <http://socal-piggies.org/scp/AboutUs> to read a short introduction
-> added by Morten at the end of the page).

Hi, Morten!

-> Morten also wrote me in an email that a couple more people might be
-> interested in attending dinner, so if we could set a specific time for
-> the evening of the 7th, that would help. Also, Titus, please send
-> directions to the restaurant.

How about 7:30pm -- is that too late?

The restaurant is Kuala Lumpur,


It's in Old Town Pasadena.  Directions from the USC area would be:

 * take the 110 to its northern end;
 * turn left on Del Mar;
 * go down to Pasadena Ave (light @ ~4 blocks) and turn right;
 * go up to Green (light @ 3 blocks) and turn right;
 * then turn left on De Lacey Ave.
There's a parking structure immediately on the left.

Kuala Lumpur is on the NE side of the De Lacey/Green St. intersection,
just past the cigar shop.

Let me know by Tuesday morning if you're coming... I should definitely
reserve ;).


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