[socal-piggies] Introduction

Titus Brown titus at caltech.edu
Thu Feb 17 15:33:12 PST 2005

-> When you say "community annotation system for the Python docs", are you
-> referring to Python documentation that will get annotated with special
-> markup? 

No, not really.  The idea is to allow general commentary by any member
of the Python community on the (static) Python docs.  Ian Bicking
suggesed this to me, based on my wsgiComment class, and I'm pursuing
the idea in a somewhat larger way ;).

Presumably at some point relevant comments could get integrated into the
docs, but that's a different challenge.

-> The reason I'm asking is that I've been looking into epydoc and reST
-> recently. I wanted to see how to combine them with doctest unit tests
-> to obtain "agile documentation" (i.e. documenting your API via unit
-> tests). I found epydoc easier to use and producing better-looking docs.
-> It was actually kind of fun to document my code with it. I wrote a blog
-> post about my experiences with epydoc/doctest at
-> http://agiletesting.blogspot.com/2005/02/agile-documentation-with-doctest-and.html

yep, I saw that ;)


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