[pygr-notify] Issue 128 in pygr: Check Pyrex 0.9.9 support

pygr at googlecode.com pygr at googlecode.com
Sun Nov 14 23:18:10 PST 2010

Comment #1 on issue 128 by deepreds: Check Pyrex 0.9.9 support

I got this error message and failed to compile pygr. It is related to pyrex  
0.9.9 "not None" feature.

pyrexc pygr/cdict.pyx --> pygr/cdict.c
/home/deepreds/big_kobic_kr/pygr-0.8.1/pygr/cdict.pyx:95:4: __new__ method  
of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex. Use  
__cinit__ instead.
/home/deepreds/big_kobic_kr/pygr-0.8.1/pygr/cdict.pyx:160:4: __new__ method  
of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex. Use  
__cinit__ instead.
/home/deepreds/big_kobic_kr/pygr-0.8.1/pygr/cdict.pyx:212:4: __new__ method  
of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex. Use  
__cinit__ instead.
/home/deepreds/big_kobic_kr/pygr-0.8.1/pygr/cdict.pyx:261:4: __new__ method  
of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex. Use  
__cinit__ instead.
/home/deepreds/big_kobic_kr/pygr-0.8.1/pygr/cdict.pyx:407:4: __new__ method  
of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex. Use  
__cinit__ instead.
/home/deepreds/big_kobic_kr/pygr-0.8.1/pygr/cdict.pyx:212:22: Warning: 'not  
None' will become the default in a future version of Pyrex. Use 'or None'  
to allow passing None.

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