[ngs] Hello to everyone!

C. Titus Brown ctb at msu.edu
Fri Jun 7 16:01:35 PDT 2013

Hello everyone,

this is the official course mailing list.  I've subscribed you all under the set of email addresses you sent me, so if you have trouble posting, let us know and we'll fix that.

I have been occupied with a family emergency this week, so organization suffered even more than usual.  More on that in person :).  For the same reason, Adina Chuang Howe will be taking charge of you for the first day or so of the course; she's much better than me, so I think you're lucking out.

You'll also be happy to know that my very capable deputy, Michael Crusoe, is going to make sure you all get out to KBS!  I will ask him to send out his pickup plans, and his information is also in the course info page here:


His mobile number is 480-627-9108.



The course will start after lunch on Monday, ~1:30pm, in the Carriage House classroom.  Until then, enjoy the environs!  You might also sign up for an Amazon Web Services account (visit aws.amazon.com) and a Dropbox account (www.dropbox.com).

We will give attendees the opportunity to give a 1-slide presentation on their research, if you are interested.

If you have data, bring it (or make sure it's accessible for download on the Internet).



If you're getting picked up at the Lansing Airport, there is only one baggage claim; wait there are the appointed time. There is free wifi at the Lansing airport.

If you're getting picked up from the Michigan Flyer, Michael will either pick you up at the bus directly, OR there is a hotel lobby immediately adjacent and you can go in to the lobby.  If Michael isn't there right away, there is a Starbucks coffee shop right around the corner (just ask anyone) as well as a variety of food options.


If you have any questions at this point, please shoot me an e-mail and I will get back to you ASAP.


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