[data-carpentry-discuss] R/SQL integration lesson

Ted Hart edmund.m.hart at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 10:29:46 PST 2015

Lately I've been doing a lot of database work.  One thing I've found is
that the provenance of your work flow with databases is much easier to
preserve if it's written in R and you interact with the database via RJDBC
rather than a stand alone database environment.  When I do that I find I
have all these adhoc queries that I never remember what order to execute
them in.

My question is, would this be a  worthwhile lesson for DC?  Or is it too
advanced? Or  would efforts be better spent working on the existing
curriculum?  Or would this make a reasonable addendum to the SQL lesson
(it's actually kind of trivial so it might not be worth it's own lesson).

I welcome some thoughts as I'm happy to take existing code and formalize it
into a lesson if the group things it's worthwhile.

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