[cse491] Selenium tests for HW #10

C. Titus Brown ctb at msu.edu
Mon Nov 3 20:32:32 PST 2008

Hi all,

as with the twill stuff, you'll have to properly escape some of the
characters in the username/password input test.  In twill, the problem
is that parentheses -- ( and ) -- are interpreted improperly unless you
escape them with \.  In Selenium, however, the problem is that you're
writing in HTML, where < and > have special meanings.  To get around
this, use &lt; and &gt; to input the password:

	&lt;it's secret!&gt;

The password is the only thing that needs this kind of escaping.

Oh, and please be sure that incorrect passwords *do* fail... The best
way to do this is to write tests to check that, but the only real
requirement is that your code actually work :O)

C. Titus Brown, ctb at msu.edu

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