[bip] Pygr Searching

Paul Davis paul.joseph.davis at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 06:10:52 PST 2008

Hi list.

I've just found Pygr and it looks absolutely brilliant. After reading
about it I'm left with a lingering question: Is it possible to perform
non-location based searches. Specifically, I'm wondering if anyone has
plugged a full text indexing system into it.

I haven't seen and docs about doing such queries, but I from what I
have read, it would appear that adding Sphinx searching [1] would be
fairly straightforward. Tsearch2 [2] would also be a possibility if
all the textual data being indexed resided in a postgres database,
which from what I've seen isn't necessarily the case.

Any how, its nice to find more biology people that haven't been
hypnotized by the other voodoo P-language.

[1] http://www.sphinxsearch.com/
[2] http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/postgres/gist/tsearch/V2/

Paul Davis

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