[bip] developing tutorials, code samples, etc.

Brandon King kingb at caltech.edu
Wed Sep 19 14:09:37 PDT 2007

Titus Brown wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm interested in finding out what people on this list need in the way
> of tutorials.  I'm planning to write the following:
>  - an expansion of my 'annotations with pygr' tutorial, into a discussion of
>    annotating genomes with ChIP-chip data;
>  - a "blastparser" tutorial describing how to parse basic BLAST reports
>    and then calculate reciprocal BLAST matches;
I think the "blastparser" tutorial would likely be useful to many 
people, so I would vote for this one.
>  - more "pygr on bacteria", using pygr to store and retrieve NCBI
>    gene annotations from bacterial genomes;
>  - using pygr to load in and query multi-genome alignments produced by
>    the genome.ucsc.edu people;
>  - a discussion of how to write software packages that "don't suck",
>    i.e. a summary of Python standards, packaging, file naming
>    conventions, and basic test infrastructure, for people who don't
>    have any experience with that.
I would also vote for this one as it will be helpful to reference it 
if/when we get to code reviews. I think the others are great as well, 
but these would be my two first picks.
> I'm perfectly willing to admit that these may not meet everyone's needs
> or interest, so... what would?
I am also interested in the answer to this question as well. Given the 
time, I am more than willing to write up tutorials and documentation 
given an interest (*hint*: speak up on what you are interested in and 
there is a non-zero chance it will get written. )


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