[bip] BioPython 1.44

Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio dalloliogm at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 04:26:49 PDT 2007

2007/10/30, Nathan Harmston <iwanttobeabadger at googlemail.com>:
> So I guess BioPython isnt dead after all, despite what I ve been hearing.
> Has anyone got any comments on the new release? Is it worth the time to play
> with and use?

I mostly use the 'Bio.Seq', the Bio.SeqIO (which is fantastic), and
some other classes from BioPython.

People from the biopython mailing list are also nice: they suggested
me the 'TAMO' framework to handle with motifs, and they offered to
implement a motif object in biopython in the future when I have asked
for help in the list.

I think it is worth spending time learning to use biopython, but I
believe there is still a lot of work to do.
Many modules are not very easy to use: for example, the same
Bio.Seq.translate module.
Moreover, I think it should be implemented a 'Set of Sequences' class
to work with collections of sequences.

In short words, I think that more people should have a look at
biopython, and that it should be teach in bioinformatics


My Blog on Bioinformatics (italian): http://dalloliogm.wordpress.com

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