[bip] online sites for doing binding site search

Erich Schwarz emsch at its.caltech.edu
Fri Nov 30 17:33:10 PST 2007

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007, Titus Brown wrote:

> I thought PFMs, PWMs, PSSMs, PSFMs, and energy operators were all
> mathematically equivalent to a zeroth order Markov Model.  Hmm.

    I believe they all *are* examples of zeroth order Markov Models.
However, there are differences in the way their matrix values are
computed that aren't trivial.

    Another article that I thought did a good job of explaining the
theoretical justifications for the different scoring schemes used in
PFMs, etc., was:

    Stormo, G.D. (2000). DNA binding sites: representation and
discovery. Bioinformatics 16, 16-23. [PMID: 10812473].



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