[bip] online sites for doing binding site search

Titus Brown titus at caltech.edu
Thu Nov 29 17:57:28 PST 2007

hi folks,

what Web sites do people use (if any) for doing transcription factor
binding site search?  I'm writing a short review/HOWTO on finding
cis-regulatory elements in chick, and I'd be interested in your thoughts
on what Web sites to include.


 - what Web sites do you use to search for exact motif matches, IUPAC
   motifs, and/or position weight matrices?

 - what binding site libraries have you found useful, if you work on
   vertebrates?  (I usually suggest JASPAR.)

 - do you use any sites that achieve a good integration between a
   database (like JASPAR) and a Web interface (like e.g. ClusterBuster)?


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