[Avida-SVN] r3146 - in development/support: . math

dk at myxo.css.msu.edu dk at myxo.css.msu.edu
Fri Feb 6 10:38:12 PST 2009

Author: dk
Date: 2009-02-06 13:38:12 -0500 (Fri, 06 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 3146

By popular demand, checking in a few matlab scripts to help with the analysis of Avida data files.

Added: development/support/math/README
--- development/support/math/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ development/support/math/README	2009-02-06 18:38:12 UTC (rev 3146)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+======== Introduction
+This directory contains a bunch of matlab scripts that help with analyzing
+Avida data files.  Many of these scripts assume unix/os x (sorry).
+Most of these scripts have comments to help decipher how they work, try, for example "help quick_load" from Matlab's command window.  It would probably be useful to set Matlab's path to point to this directory.
+Briefly, here's what each script here does:
+exportfig.m: low-level function to export a figure in camera-ready eps format
+find_files.m: recursive search for files
+header_lines.m: retrieve the header lines from an Avida data file
+load_files.m: low-level function to load data files into an array
+newfigure.m: wrapper around figure that makes figures look nice
+quick_load.m: load a series of data files into a structure for analysis
+quick_export.m: a wrapper around exportfig that makes figures look nice
+stderr.m: calculate the standard error of an array
+======== How to use quick_load
+Quick_load is a Matlab script that I've found useful for dealing with the types of data files that Avida generates (gzip'ed, data from multiple trials, etc.).
+In most cases, quick_load can be called with a regular expression that matches the files of interest.  For example, the following command loads all files below the current working directory that match the string "bcast_.*deme_compete".
+d = quick_load('"bcast_.*deme_compete"');
+NOTE THE USE OF MULTIPLE QUOTES!!!  One of the nice feature of quick_load is that it doesn't care whether the data files are gzip'ed or not.
+The return value from this command looks like this:
+d = 
+    filenames: {1x30 cell}
+    fieldnames: {3x1 cell}
+    update: [30x500 double]
+    avgfit: [30x500 double]
+    maxfit: [30x500 double]
+If all the header lines of the data file end with [\w+], then quick_load will unpack the array into fieldnames as well.

Added: development/support/math/exportfig.m
--- development/support/math/exportfig.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ development/support/math/exportfig.m	2009-02-06 18:38:12 UTC (rev 3146)
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+function exportfig(varargin)
+%EXPORTFIG  Export a figure to Encapsulated Postscript.
+%   EXPORTFIG(H, FILENAME) writes the figure H to FILENAME.  H is
+%   a figure handle and FILENAME is a string that specifies the
+%   name of the output file.
+%   EXPORTFIG(...,PARAM1,VAL1,PARAM2,VAL2,...) specifies
+%   parameters that control various characteristics of the output
+%   file.
+%   Format Paramter:
+%     'Format'  one of the strings 'eps','eps2','jpeg','png','preview'
+%          specifies the output format. Defaults to 'eps'.
+%          The output format 'preview' does not generate an output
+%          file but instead creates a new figure window with a
+%          preview of the exported figure. In this case the
+%          FILENAME parameter is ignored.
+%     'Preview' one of the strings 'none', 'tiff'
+%          specifies a preview for EPS files. Defaults to 'none'.
+%   Size Parameters:
+%     'Width'   a positive scalar
+%          specifies the width in the figure's PaperUnits
+%     'Height'  a positive scalar
+%          specifies the height in the figure's PaperUnits
+%     Specifying only one dimension sets the other dimension
+%     so that the exported aspect ratio is the same as the
+%     figure's current aspect ratio. 
+%     If neither dimension is specified the size defaults to 
+%     the width and height from the figure's PaperPosition. 
+%   Rendering Parameters:
+%     'Color'     one of the strings 'bw', 'gray', 'cmyk'
+%         'bw'    specifies that lines and text are exported in
+%                 black and all other objects in grayscale
+%         'gray'  specifies that all objects are exported in grayscale
+%         'cmyk'  specifies that all objects are exported in color
+%                 using the CMYK color space
+%     'Renderer'  one of the strings 'painters', 'zbuffer', 'opengl'
+%         specifies the renderer to use
+%     'Resolution'   a positive scalar
+%         specifies the resolution in dots-per-inch.
+%     The default color setting is 'bw'.
+%   Font Parameters:
+%     'FontMode'     one of the strings 'scaled', 'fixed'
+%     'FontSize'     a positive scalar
+%          in 'scaled' mode multiplies with the font size of each
+%          text object to obtain the exported font size
+%          in 'fixed' mode specifies the font size of all text
+%          objects in points
+%     'FontEncoding' one of the strings 'latin1', 'adobe'
+%          specifies the character encoding of the font
+%     If FontMode is 'scaled' but FontSize is not specified then a
+%     scaling factor is computed from the ratio of the size of the
+%     exported figure to the size of the actual figure. The minimum
+%     font size allowed after scaling is 5 points.
+%     If FontMode is 'fixed' but FontSize is not specified then the
+%     exported font sizes of all text objects is 7 points.
+%     The default 'FontMode' setting is 'scaled'.
+%   Line Width Parameters:
+%     'LineMode'     one of the strings 'scaled', 'fixed'
+%     'LineWidth'    a positive scalar
+%          the semantics of LineMode and LineWidth are exactly the
+%          same as FontMode and FontSize, except that they apply
+%          to line widths instead of font sizes. The minumum line
+%          width allowed after scaling is 0.5 points.
+%          If LineMode is 'fixed' but LineWidth is not specified 
+%          then the exported line width of all line objects is 1
+%          point. 
+%   Examples:
+%     exportfig(gcf,'fig1.eps','height',3);
+%       Exports the current figure to the file named 'fig1.eps' with
+%       a height of 3 inches (assuming the figure's PaperUnits is 
+%       inches) and an aspect ratio the same as the figure's aspect
+%       ratio on screen.
+%     exportfig(gcf, 'fig2.eps', 'FontMode', 'fixed',...
+%                'FontSize', 10, 'color', 'cmyk' );
+%       Exports the current figure to 'fig2.eps' in color with all
+%       text in 10 point fonts. The size of the exported figure is
+%       the figure's PaperPostion width and height.
+if (nargin < 2)
+  error('Too few input arguments');
+% exportfig(H, filename, ...)
+H = varargin{1};
+if ~ishandle(H) | ~strcmp(get(H,'type'), 'figure')
+  error('First argument must be a handle to a figure.');
+filename = varargin{2};
+if ~ischar(filename)
+  error('Second argument must be a string.');
+paramPairs = varargin(3:end);
+% Do some validity checking on param-value pairs
+if (rem(length(paramPairs),2) ~= 0)
+  error(['Invalid input syntax. Optional parameters and values' ...
+	 ' must be in pairs.']);
+format = 'eps';
+preview = 'none';
+width = -1;
+height = -1;
+color = 'bw';
+fontsize = -1;
+linewidth = -1;
+fontencoding = 'latin1';
+renderer = [];
+resolution = [];
+% Process param-value pairs
+args = {};
+for k = 1:2:length(paramPairs)
+  param = lower(paramPairs{k});
+  if (~ischar(param))
+    error('Optional parameter names must be strings');
+  end
+  value = paramPairs{k+1};
+  switch (param)
+   case 'format'
+    format = value;
+    if (~strcmp(format,{'eps','eps2','jpeg','png','preview'}))
+      error(['Format must be ''eps'', ''eps2'', ''jpeg'', ''png'' or' ...
+	     ' ''preview''.']);
+    end
+   case 'preview'
+    preview = value;
+    if (~strcmp(preview,{'none','tiff'}))
+      error('Preview must be ''none'' or ''tiff''.');
+    end
+   case 'width'
+    width = LocalToNum(value);
+    if(~LocalIsPositiveScalar(width))
+      error('Width must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+    end
+   case 'height'
+    height = LocalToNum(value);
+    if(~LocalIsPositiveScalar(height))
+      error('Height must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+    end
+   case 'color'
+    color = lower(value);
+    if (~strcmp(color,{'bw','gray','cmyk'}))
+      error('Color must be ''bw'', ''gray'' or ''cmyk''.');
+    end
+   case 'fontmode'
+    fontmode = lower(value);
+    if (~strcmp(fontmode,{'scaled','fixed'}))
+      error('FontMode must be ''scaled'' or ''fixed''.');
+    end
+   case 'fontsize'
+    fontsize = LocalToNum(value);
+    if(~LocalIsPositiveScalar(fontsize))
+      error('FontSize must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+    end
+   case 'fontencoding'
+    fontencoding = lower(value);
+    if (~strcmp(fontencoding,{'latin1','adobe'}))
+      error('FontEncoding must be ''latin1'' or ''adobe''.');
+    end
+   case 'linemode'
+    linemode = lower(value);
+    if (~strcmp(linemode,{'scaled','fixed'}))
+      error('LineMode must be ''scaled'' or ''fixed''.');
+    end
+   case 'linewidth'
+    linewidth = LocalToNum(value);
+    if(~LocalIsPositiveScalar(linewidth))
+      error('LineWidth must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+    end
+   case 'renderer'
+    renderer = lower(value);
+    if (~strcmp(renderer,{'painters','zbuffer','opengl'}))
+      error('Renderer must be ''painters'', ''zbuffer'' or ''opengl''.');
+    end
+   case 'resolution'
+    resolution = LocalToNum(value);
+    if ~(isnumeric(value) & (prod(size(value)) == 1) & (value >= 0));
+      error('Resolution must be a numeric scalar >= 0');
+    end
+   otherwise
+    error(['Unrecognized option ' param '.']);
+  end
+allLines  = findall(H, 'type', 'line');
+allText   = findall(H, 'type', 'text');
+allAxes   = findall(H, 'type', 'axes');
+allImages = findall(H, 'type', 'image');
+allLights = findall(H, 'type', 'light');
+allPatch  = findall(H, 'type', 'patch');
+allSurf   = findall(H, 'type', 'surface');
+allRect   = findall(H, 'type', 'rectangle');
+allFont   = [allText; allAxes];
+allColor  = [allLines; allText; allAxes; allLights];
+allMarker = [allLines; allPatch; allSurf];
+allEdge   = [allPatch; allSurf];
+allCData  = [allImages; allPatch; allSurf];
+old.objs = {};
+old.prop = {};
+old.values = {};
+% Process format and preview parameter
+showPreview = strcmp(format,'preview');
+if showPreview
+  format = 'png';
+  filename = [tempName '.png'];
+if strncmp(format,'eps',3) & ~strcmp(preview,'none')
+  args = {args{:}, ['-' preview]};
+hadError = 0;
+  % Process size parameters
+  paperPos = get(H, 'PaperPosition');
+  old = LocalPushOldData(old, H, 'PaperPosition', paperPos);
+  figureUnits = get(H, 'Units');
+  set(H, 'Units', get(H,'PaperUnits'));
+  figurePos = get(H, 'Position');
+  aspectRatio = figurePos(3)/figurePos(4);
+  set(H, 'Units', figureUnits);
+  if (width == -1) & (height == -1)
+    width = paperPos(3);
+    height = paperPos(4);
+  elseif (width == -1)
+    width = height * aspectRatio;
+  elseif (height == -1)
+    height = width / aspectRatio;
+  end
+  set(H, 'PaperPosition', [0 0 width height]);
+  paperPosMode = get(H, 'PaperPositionMode');
+  old = LocalPushOldData(old, H, 'PaperPositionMode', paperPosMode);
+  set(H, 'PaperPositionMode', 'manual');
+  % Process rendering parameters
+  switch (color)
+   case {'bw', 'gray'}
+    if ~strcmp(color,'bw') & strncmp(format,'eps',3)
+      format = [format 'c'];
+    end
+    args = {args{:}, ['-d' format]};
+    %compute and set gray colormap
+    oldcmap = get(H,'Colormap');
+    newgrays = 0.30*oldcmap(:,1) + 0.59*oldcmap(:,2) + 0.11*oldcmap(:,3);
+    newcmap = [newgrays newgrays newgrays];
+    old = LocalPushOldData(old, H, 'Colormap', oldcmap);
+    set(H, 'Colormap', newcmap);
+    %compute and set ColorSpec and CData properties
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allColor, 'color', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allAxes, 'xcolor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allAxes, 'ycolor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allAxes, 'zcolor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allMarker, 'MarkerEdgeColor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allMarker, 'MarkerFaceColor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allEdge, 'EdgeColor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allEdge, 'FaceColor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allCData, 'CData', old);
+   case 'cmyk'
+    if strncmp(format,'eps',3)
+      format = [format 'c'];
+      args = {args{:}, ['-d' format], '-cmyk'};
+    else
+      args = {args{:}, ['-d' format]};
+    end
+   otherwise
+    error('Invalid Color parameter');
+  end
+  if (~isempty(renderer))
+    args = {args{:}, ['-' renderer]};
+  end
+  if (~isempty(resolution)) | ~strncmp(format,'eps',3)
+    if isempty(resolution)
+      resolution = 0;
+    end
+    args = {args{:}, ['-r' int2str(resolution)]};
+  end
+  % Process font parameters
+%   if (~isempty(fontmode))
+%     oldfonts = LocalGetAsCell(allFont,'FontSize');
+%     switch (fontmode)
+%      case 'fixed'
+%       oldfontunits = LocalGetAsCell(allFont,'FontUnits');
+%       old = LocalPushOldData(old, allFont, {'FontUnits'}, oldfontunits);
+%       set(allFont,'FontUnits','points');
+%       if (fontsize == -1)
+%     	set(allFont,'FontSize',7);
+%       else
+%     	set(allFont,'FontSize',fontsize);
+%       end
+%      case 'scaled'
+%       if (fontsize == -1)
+%     	wscale = width/figurePos(3);
+%     	hscale = height/figurePos(4);
+%     	scale = min(wscale, hscale);
+%       else
+%     	scale = fontsize;
+%       end
+%       newfonts = LocalScale(oldfonts,scale,5);
+%       set(allFont,{'FontSize'},newfonts);
+%      otherwise
+%       error('Invalid FontMode parameter');
+%     end
+%     % make sure we push the size after the units
+%     old = LocalPushOldData(old, allFont, {'FontSize'}, oldfonts);
+%   end
+  if strcmp(fontencoding,'adobe') & strncmp(format,'eps',3)
+    args = {args{:}, '-adobecset'};
+  end
+  % Process linewidth parameters
+  if (~isempty(linemode))
+    oldlines = LocalGetAsCell(allMarker,'LineWidth');
+    old = LocalPushOldData(old, allMarker, {'LineWidth'}, oldlines);
+    switch (linemode)
+     case 'fixed'
+      if (linewidth == -1)
+	set(allMarker,'LineWidth',1);
+      else
+	set(allMarker,'LineWidth',linewidth);
+      end
+     case 'scaled'
+      if (linewidth == -1)
+	wscale = width/figurePos(3);
+	hscale = height/figurePos(4);
+	scale = min(wscale, hscale);
+      else
+	scale = linewidth;
+      end
+      newlines = LocalScale(oldlines, scale, 0.5);
+      set(allMarker,{'LineWidth'},newlines);
+     otherwise
+      error('Invalid LineMode parameter');
+    end
+  end
+  % Export
+  print(H, filename, args{:});
+  hadError = 1;
+% Restore figure settings
+for n=1:length(old.objs)
+  set(old.objs{n}, old.prop{n}, old.values{n});
+if hadError
+  error(deblank(lasterr));
+% Show preview if requested
+if showPreview
+  X = imread(filename,'png');
+  delete(filename);
+  f = figure( 'Name', 'Preview', ...
+	      'Menubar', 'none', ...
+	      'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
+	      'Visible', 'off');
+  image(X);
+  axis image;
+  ax = findobj(f, 'type', 'axes');
+  set(ax, 'Units', get(H,'PaperUnits'), ...
+	  'Position', [0 0 width height], ...
+	  'Visible', 'off');
+  set(ax, 'Units', 'pixels');
+  axesPos = get(ax,'Position');
+  figPos = get(f,'Position');
+  rootSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
+  figPos(3:4) = axesPos(3:4);
+  if figPos(1) + figPos(3) > rootSize(3)
+    figPos(1) = rootSize(3) - figPos(3) - 50;
+  end
+  if figPos(2) + figPos(4) > rootSize(4)
+    figPos(2) = rootSize(4) - figPos(4) - 50;
+  end
+  set(f, 'Position',figPos, ...
+	 'Visible', 'on');
+%  Local Functions
+function outData = LocalPushOldData(inData, objs, prop, values)
+outData.objs = {inData.objs{:}, objs};
+outData.prop = {inData.prop{:}, prop};
+outData.values = {inData.values{:}, values};
+function cellArray = LocalGetAsCell(fig,prop);
+cellArray = get(fig,prop);
+if (~isempty(cellArray)) & (~iscell(cellArray))
+  cellArray = {cellArray};
+function newArray = LocalScale(inArray, scale, minValue)
+n = length(inArray);
+newArray = cell(n,1);
+for k=1:n
+  newArray{k} = max(minValue,scale*inArray{k}(1));
+function newArray = LocalMapToGray(inArray);
+n = length(inArray);
+newArray = cell(n,1);
+for k=1:n
+  color = inArray{k};
+  if (~isempty(color))
+    if ischar(color)
+      switch color(1)
+       case 'y'
+	color = [1 1 0];
+       case 'm'
+	color = [1 0 1];
+       case 'c'
+	color = [0 1 1];
+       case 'r'
+	color = [1 0 0];
+       case 'g'
+	color = [0 1 0];
+       case 'b'
+	color = [0 0 1];
+       case 'w'
+	color = [1 1 1];
+       case 'k'
+	color = [0 0 0];
+       otherwise
+	newArray{k} = color;
+      end
+    end
+    if ~ischar(color)
+      color = 0.30*color(1) + 0.59*color(2) + 0.11*color(3);
+    end
+  end
+  if isempty(color) | ischar(color)
+    newArray{k} = color;
+  else
+    newArray{k} = [color color color];
+  end
+function newArray = LocalMapCData(inArray);
+n = length(inArray);
+newArray = cell(n,1);
+for k=1:n
+  color = inArray{k};
+  if (ndims(color) == 3) & isa(color,'double')
+    gray = 0.30*color(:,:,1) + 0.59*color(:,:,2) + 0.11*color(:,:,3);
+    color(:,:,1) = gray;
+    color(:,:,2) = gray;
+    color(:,:,3) = gray;
+  end
+  newArray{k} = color;
+function outData = LocalUpdateColors(inArray, prop, inData)
+value = LocalGetAsCell(inArray,prop);
+outData.objs = {inData.objs{:}, inArray};
+outData.prop = {inData.prop{:}, {prop}};
+outData.values = {inData.values{:}, value};
+if (~isempty(value))
+  if strcmp(prop,'CData') 
+    value = LocalMapCData(value);
+  else
+    value = LocalMapToGray(value);
+  end
+  set(inArray,{prop},value);
+function bool = LocalIsPositiveScalar(value)
+bool = isnumeric(value) & ...
+       prod(size(value)) == 1 & ...
+       value > 0;
+function value = LocalToNum(value)
+if ischar(value)
+  value = str2num(value);

Added: development/support/math/find_files.m
--- development/support/math/find_files.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ development/support/math/find_files.m	2009-02-06 18:38:12 UTC (rev 3146)
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+function filenames = find_files(dir, file_pattern)
+%FIND_FILES    Recursively finds matching files.
+%    FILENAMES = FIND_FILES(DIR,PATTERN) examines the passed in directory,
+%    and recursively descends searching for files whose complete name
+%    matches the specified pattern.
+%      dir(string): The root directory at which recursive search begins.
+%      file_pattern(regex): The pattern used to find matching files.
+%      filenames(cell array of strings): The completely specified filenames
+%        of files that matched the file_pattern, relative to dir.
+% For right now, we're going to cheat.  No need to reinvent the wheel.
+[s r] = unix(['find ' dir ' | grep ' file_pattern]);
+assert(s==0, 'Invalid dir or file_pattern.');
+filenames = regexp(r,'([\.\w\d-/]*)','tokens');
+% sanity checking:
+cellfun(@(x)assert(exist(char(x),'file')==2), filenames);
+% % DIRR
+% % Lists all files in the current directory and sub directories
+% % recursively.
+% % 
+% % [LIST] = DIRR(PATH)
+% % Returns a structure LIST with the same fieldnames as returned 
+% % by LIST = DIR(PATH)
+% % PATH can contain wildcards * and ? after the last \ or / (filename
+% % filter)
+% % The content of each directory in PATH is listed inside its 'isdir'
+% % field with the same format. The 'bytes' field is NOT zero but the
+% % sum of all filesizes inside the directory.
+% % 
+% % BYTES is a structure with fields 'total' and 'dir'. 'total' is the total
+% % size of PATH. 'dir' is a recursive substructure that contains the
+% % same fields ('total' and 'dir') for the subdirectories.
+% % 
+% % [...] = DIRR(PATH,FILTER)
+% % Lists only files matching the string FILTER (non case sensitive
+% % regular expression).
+% % N.B.: FILTER is optional and must not be equal to a fieldname
+% % ('name' or 'date' ... will never be interpreted as filters)
+% % 
+% % FIELDIN is a string specifying a field (of the structure LIST) that
+% % will be listed in a separate cell array of strings in FIELDOUT for
+% % every file with absolute path at the begining of the string.
+% % Multiple fields can be specified.
+% % 
+% % Only files for which FIELDIN matches FILTER will be returned.
+% % Multiple [FIELDIN, FILTER] couples may be specified.
+% % Recursion can be avoided here by setting 'isdir' filter to '0'.
+% % For bytes, numeric comparison will be performed.
+% % 
+% % 
+% % 
+% % DIRR
+% % Lists all files (including path) in the current directory and it's
+% % subdirectories recursively.
+% % 
+% % DIRR('c:\matlab6p5\work\*.m')
+% % Lists all M-files in the c:\matlab6p5\work directory and it's
+% % subdirectories recursively.
+% % 
+% % Music = DIRR('G:\Ma musique\&Styles\Reggae\Alpha Blondy')
+% % Returns a structure Music very similar to what DIR returns 
+% % but containing the information on the files stored in
+% % subdirectories of 'G:\Ma musique\&Styles\Reggae\Alpha Blondy'.
+% % The structure Music is a bit difficult to explore though.
+% % See next examples.
+% % 
+% % [Files,Bytes,Names] = DIRR('c:\matlab6p5\toolbox','\.mex\>','name')
+% % Lists all MEX-files in the c:\matlab6p5\toolbox directory in the cell
+% % array of strings Names (including path).
+% % Note the regexp syntax of the filter string.
+% % Bytes is a structure with fields "total" and "dir". total is the
+% % total size of the directory, dir is a recursive substructure with
+% % the same fields as bytes for the subdirectories. 
+% % 
+% % [Files,Bytes,Names] = DIRR('c:\toto'...
+% %       ,'name','bytes','>50000','isdir','0')
+% % Lists all files larger than 50000 bytes NOT recursively.
+% % 
+% % [Files,Bytes,Dates] = DIRR('c:\matlab6p5\work','date','2005')
+% % Lists all dates of files from year 2005. (With path in front of
+% % date in the cell array of strings Dates)
+% % 
+% % 
+% % 
+% %       v1.02        
+% %       Maximilien Chaumon
+% %       maximilien.chaumon at chups.jussieu.fr
+% %       2006 06 16
+% verbose = 0;
+% % set to 1 to get folders list in command window
+% if nargin == 0
+%     chemin = cd;
+% end
+% if nargout == 0
+%     dum = varargin;
+%     varargin{1} = 'name';
+%     varargin = [varargin(1) dum];
+% end
+% fields = {'name' 'date' 'bytes' 'isdir'};
+% if regexp(chemin,'[\*\?]') % if chemin contains any ? or *
+%     filt = regexprep(chemin,'.*[\\/](.*\>)','$1');% get filter
+%     filt = regexprep(filt,'\.','\.');% in regexp format
+%     filt = regexprep(filt,'\*','.*');
+%     filt = regexprep(filt,'\?','.');
+%     filt = regexprep(filt,'(.*)','\\<$1');
+%     chemin = regexprep(chemin,'(.*)[\\/].*\>','$1');% and chemin
+% end
+% if not(isempty(varargin)) % if additional fields were provided after chemin
+%     for i = 1:length(fields)
+%         if strcmp(varargin{1},fields{i})% if first varargin matches a fieldname,
+%             % assume no filter was provided,
+%             if not(exist('filt','var'))% or it was in chemin and was set just before
+%                 filt = '.*';% set it to wildcard
+%                 break
+%             end
+%         end
+%     end
+%     if not(exist('filt','var'))% else
+%         filt = varargin{1};% first varargin is the filter
+%         varargin(1) = [];
+%     end
+% else% if no additional fields were provided and filter was not in chemin
+%     if not(exist('filt','var'))
+%         filt = '.*';
+%     end
+% end
+% % determine which varargin are fieldnames
+% whicharefields = zeros(1,length(varargin));
+% for i = 1:length(varargin)
+%     for j = 1:length(fields)
+%         if strcmp(varargin{i},fields{j})
+%             whicharefields(i) = 1;
+%             break
+%         end
+%     end
+% end
+% % set f2out and f2outfilt
+% f2out = {}; f2outfilt = {};
+% idx = 0;
+% if not(isempty(varargin))
+%     for i = 1:length(varargin)
+%         if whicharefields(i)
+%             idx = idx + 1;
+%             f2out{idx} = varargin{i};
+%             f2outfilt{idx} = '';
+%         else % if nargin{i} is not a fieldname, assume it's a filter
+%             f2outfilt{idx} = varargin{i}; 
+%         end
+%     end
+% end
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% START
+% if verbose
+%     disp(chemin);
+% end
+% list = dir(chemin);
+% if isempty(list)
+%     disp([chemin ' not found']);
+%     if nargout == 0
+%         clear list
+%     else
+%         for i = 1:nargout - 2
+%             varargout{i} = [];
+%         end
+%         sumbytes = 0;
+%     end
+%     return
+% end
+% % remove . and ..
+% i_file = 1;
+% while i_file <= length(list)
+%     if strcmp(list(i_file).name,'.')|strcmp(list(i_file).name,'..')
+%         list(i_file) = [];
+%     else
+%         i_file = i_file + 1;
+%     end
+% end
+% % set sumbytes
+% sumbytes = struct('total',0,'dir',{});
+% sumbytes(1).total = 0;
+% i_dir = 0;
+% % and all output fields
+% for i = 1:size(f2out,2)
+%     f2out{2,i} = {};
+% end
+% filenames = {};
+% todel = 0;
+% r = 1;
+% for i_out = 1:size(f2out,2)
+%     if strcmp(f2out{1,i_out},'isdir')
+%         if strcmp(f2outfilt{i_out},'0') % check if no recursion is wanted
+%             r = 0;
+%         end
+%     end
+% end
+% % for each item in list
+% for i_file = 1:length(list)
+%     for i_out = 1:size(f2out,2) % for every output field
+%         if not(isempty(f2outfilt{i_out}))% if there is a filter
+%             if strcmp(f2out{1,i_out},'bytes') % if field is 'bytes'
+%                 line = [num2str(list(i_file).(f2out{1,i_out})) f2outfilt{i_out} ';']; % compare with filter numerically
+%                 if eval(line)% if passes the filter
+%                     continue % continue to next field
+%                 else
+%                     todel(end+1) = i_file; % else set to be deleted
+%                 end
+%             elseif not(strcmp(f2out{1,i_out},'isdir'))% if field is 'name' or 'date'
+%                 if regexpi(list(i_file).(f2out{1,i_out}),f2outfilt{i_out}) % apply filter
+%                     continue % continue to next field
+%                 else
+%                     todel(end+1) = i_file; % else set to be deleted
+%                 end
+%             end
+%         end
+%     end
+%     % once checked for every field's filter
+%     if todel(end) == i_file % if one didn't pass,
+%         if not(list(i_file).isdir) % and it's not a directory
+%             continue % skip this file and continue
+%         end
+%     else
+%         if regexpi(list(i_file).name,filt) % else, check for general filter on filename
+%             sumbytes(1).total = sumbytes(1).total + list(i_file).bytes; % sum bytes of that level
+%             for i_out = 1:size(f2out,2)% and assign all output fields with the values of that file
+%                 f2out{2,i_out}{end+1} = [chemin filesep num2str(list(i_file).(f2out{1,i_out}))];
+%             end
+%         else
+%             todel(end+1) = i_file; % else the file will be removed from the list structure
+%         end
+%     end
+%     if list(i_file).isdir % if it's a directory
+%         if not(r)
+%             continue
+%         end
+%         i_dir = i_dir + 1;
+%         cheminext = strcat(chemin,filesep,list(i_file).name);
+%         % get it's content by recursion
+%         % write the line to enter eval
+%         line = '[list(i_file).isdir,sumbytes.dir(i_dir)';
+%         for i_out = 1:size(f2out,2)% with all the requested fields as temporary variables
+%             line = [line ',f2outtemp{' num2str(i_out) '}'];
+%         end
+%         line = [line '] = dirr(cheminext,filt'];
+%         for i_out = 1:size(f2out,2)
+%             line = [line ',f2out{1,' num2str(i_out) '}'];
+%             if f2outfilt{i_out}
+%                 line = [line ',f2outfilt{' num2str(i_out) '}'];
+%             end
+%         end
+%         line = [line ');'];
+%         eval(line);
+%         for i_out = 1:size(f2out,2)
+%             f2out{2,i_out} = [f2out{2,i_out} f2outtemp{i_out}]; % catenate temporary variables with f2out
+%         end
+%         % sum bytes 
+%         sumbytes(1).total = sumbytes(1).total + sumbytes(1).dir(i_dir).total; % that level + the next one
+%         list(i_file).bytes = sumbytes(1).dir(i_dir).total; % and set list(i_file).bytes to that value
+%         if list(i_file).bytes & todel(end) == i_file
+%             todel(end) = [];
+%         end
+%     end
+% end
+% todel(1) = [];
+% list(todel) = [];
+% for i_out = 1:size(f2out,2)
+%     varargout{i_out} = f2out{2,i_out};
+% end
+% if nargout == 0
+%     clear list
+%     disp(char(f2out{2,1}));
+% end

Added: development/support/math/header_lines.m
--- development/support/math/header_lines.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ development/support/math/header_lines.m	2009-02-06 18:38:12 UTC (rev 3146)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+function lines = header_lines(filenames)
+%HEADER_LINES    Retrieve header lines from Avida data files.
+%    R = HEADER_LINES(dir, file_pattern) examines the first 
+%    file returned by the given directory and file pattern, 
+%    and returns the header lines from that file.  The search 
+%    is performed recursively.
+%      dir(string): Absolute or relative path.
+%      file_pattern(regex): Pattern used to match files.
+%    See also: load_all
+assert(size(filenames,2) > 0, 'No files to check for header!');
+[result status] = unix(['file ' f]);
+if regexp(status, 'gzip')
+    [status result] = unix(['gzcat ' f]);
+    lines = textscan(result, '%s','Delimiter','\n');
+    fid = fopen(char(f));
+    lines = textscan(fid, '%s','Delimiter','\n');
+    fclose(fid);        
+lines = lines{1}(strmatch('#',lines{1}));

Added: development/support/math/load_files.m
--- development/support/math/load_files.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ development/support/math/load_files.m	2009-02-06 18:38:12 UTC (rev 3146)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+function [data,filenames] = load_files(filenames,data_pattern)
+%LOAD_ALL    Loads multiple data files into a single matrix.
+%    LOAD_ALL(filenames,data_pattern) loads data from the specified files
+%    according to the data pattern.  Automatically handles gzipped files.
+%      filesnames(string): Absolute or relative filenames.
+%      data_pattern(format): Format used to scan data (see textscan).
+%    The expected format of the data files is:
+%      # == comment
+%      m (rows==data points) x n (columns==measurements)
+%    The format of the output matrix is:
+%      m (rows==files) x n (columns==data points) x p (pages==measurements)
+%    See also: field_names, textscan
+%[files, bytes, names] = dirr(dir,file_pattern,'name');
+for i=1:size(filenames,2), j=char(filenames{i});
+    [result status] = unix(['file ' j]);
+    if regexp(status, 'gzip')
+        [status result] = unix(['gzcat ' j]);
+        x{i} = textscan(result, data_pattern, 'CommentStyle', '#');
+    else
+        fid = fopen(char(j));
+        x{i} = textscan(fid, data_pattern, 'CommentStyle', '#');
+        fclose(fid);        
+    end
+m=size(x,2); % each row belongs to a different trial.
+n=size(x{1}{1},1); % each column is a different data point.
+p=size(x{1},2); % each page is a different variable.
+% for each datafile (rows)
+for i=1:m
+    % if the datafile has a different number of columns
+    if size(x{i}{1},1) ~= n
+        % remove a row from the returned data
+        data(end,:,:)=[];
+        % and complain:
+        disp(['Warning: killing row ' int2str(i) ' from ' char(filenames{i})]);
+    else
+        % otherwise, copy all the data from that datafile
+        for j=1:p;
+            data(row,:,j)=x{i}{j};
+        end
+        row=row+1;
+    end
\ No newline at end of file

Added: development/support/math/newfigure.m
--- development/support/math/newfigure.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ development/support/math/newfigure.m	2009-02-06 18:38:12 UTC (rev 3146)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+function [f a] = newfigure()
+%NEWFIGURE Create a new figure, and return a handle to the figure and
+%          its axis.
+f = figure('XVisual',...
+    '0x22 (TrueColor, depth 24, RGB mask 0xff0000 0xff00 0x00ff)',...
+    'InvertHardcopy','off',...
+    'Color',[1 1 1]);
+a = axes('Parent',f,'Position',[0.13 0.1952 0.7771 0.7229]);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: development/support/math/quick_export.m
--- development/support/math/quick_export.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ development/support/math/quick_export.m	2009-02-06 18:38:12 UTC (rev 3146)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+function quick_export(filename)
+%QUICK_EXPORT    Export the current figure (gcf) to the specified file.
+%    QUICK_EXPORT(filename) exports the current figure (gcf) to the
+%    specified file in preferred publication-ready format.
+exportfig(gcf, filename,...
+        'Color','cmyk',...
+        'Width', 6, 'Height', 3.75,...
+        'FontMode', 'fixed', 'FontSize', 9);

Added: development/support/math/quick_load.m
--- development/support/math/quick_load.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ development/support/math/quick_load.m	2009-02-06 18:38:12 UTC (rev 3146)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+function R = quick_load(file_pattern, dir, data_pattern, fieldnames)
+%QUICK_LOAD    Intelligently load the specified Avida data files.
+%    R = QUICK_LOAD(DIR,FILE_PATTERN) examines the files returned
+%    by the given directory and file pattern, and returns a struct
+%    containing filenames, field names, updates, and data from
+%    each file returned.  The directory is searched recursively.
+%    Gzip'ed files are decompressed on-the-fly.
+%      dir(string): Absolute or relative path.
+%      file_pattern(regex): Pattern used to match files.
+%      R(struct): See below.
+%    RETURNS: A struct with one of two formats depending on the
+%    data files that are being loaded.
+%      Format 1 (preferred): This format is used if each of the
+%      header lines in the data files contains a naming tag.  The
+%      naming tag, which must appear at the end of the header, has
+%      the following (regex) format: '.*\[(\w+)\]$'.  When each
+%      header has such a naming tag, the returned struct R has the
+%      following format:
+%        R.updates(1 x n double array): Updates - Avida time.
+%        R.filenames(cell array of chars): Names of the loaded files.
+%        R.fieldnames(cell array of chars): Header lines from files.
+%        R.<tag>(m x n matrix of doubles): Rows are data from different
+%          files, columns are values at different updates.  The <tag>
+%          specifies the measurement (column from the data files).
+%      Example: If the following header lines occur in each Avida
+%      data file:
+%        # 1: updates
+%        # 2: mean value of foo [foo]
+%        # 3: max value of bar [bar]
+%      Then the following struct will be returned:
+%        R.updates = [1...]
+%        R.fieldnames = {{'# 1: mean value of foo [foo]'},
+%          {'# 2: max value of bar [bar]'}}
+%        R.filenames = {filename1, filename2...}
+%        R.foo = [[foo from file1]; [foo from file2]...]
+%        R.bar = [[bar from file1]; [bar from file2]...]
+%      Format 2: This format is used if the header lines in the
+%      data files do not have a naming tag.
+%        R.filenames(cell array of chars): Names of the loaded files.
+%        R.fieldnames(cell array of chars): Header lines from files.
+%        R.data(m x n x p matrix of doubles): Rows are data from
+%          different files, columns are values at different updates,
+%          pages are different measurements (column from the data
+%          files).
+%      Example: If the following header lines occur in at least one
+%      Avida data file:
+%        # 1: updates
+%        # 2: mean value of foo
+%        # 3: max value of bar
+%      Then the following struct will be returned:
+%        R.fieldnames = {{'# 1: mean value of foo'},
+%          {'# 2: max value of bar'}}
+%        R.filenames = {filename1, filename2...}
+%        R.data(:,:,1) = [[updates from file1]; [updates from file2]...]
+%        R.data(:,:,2) = [[foo from file1]; [foo from file2]...]
+%        R.data(:,:,3) = [[bar from file1]; [bar from file2]...]
+%    See also: header_lines, load_all
+if nargin < 2
+    dir = './';
+filenames = find_files(dir, file_pattern);
+lines = header_lines(filenames);
+lines = lines(~cellfun('isempty',regexp(lines,'^#\s+\d+:\s')));
+if nargin <= 2    
+    data_pattern = arrayfun(@(x){'%n'},lines);
+    data_pattern = cat(2,data_pattern{:});
+[ldata fnames] = load_files(filenames, data_pattern);
+if isempty(tokens) || any(cellfun('isempty',tokens))
+    R.filenames=fnames;
+    R.fieldnames=lines(1:end);
+    R.data=ldata;
+    R.filenames=fnames;
+    R.fieldnames=lines;
+    for i=1:size(ldata,3);
+        R.(char(tokens{i}{:})) = ldata(:,:,i);
+    end

Added: development/support/math/stderr.m
--- development/support/math/stderr.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ development/support/math/stderr.m	2009-02-06 18:38:12 UTC (rev 3146)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+function r = stderr(x)
+%STDERR    Calculate the standard error of the given array.
+%    Standard error calculated as sqrt(variance/size).
+r = sqrt(var(x)/size(x,1));
\ No newline at end of file

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