[twill] <form> not parsed on Ubuntu 7.10 but works on WinXP

Luis Bruno me at lbruno.org
Thu Nov 22 07:13:28 PST 2007

I'm going to blame Arnaud's packaging.

go http://www.euro-parts.com/en/homeboutique.aspx
fv 'aspnetForm' 'TextBox1' 'my_name_is_earl'

OP: http://lists.idyll.org/pipermail/twill/2007-November/000805.html

Luis "Dunce" Bruno wrote:
> I think I've stepped on a bug in python-mechanize's Ubuntu package,
> but I'm not sure how to track it down and be sure about it.

Did anyone notice how I've blamed mechanize without being actually
sure? Sorry about that. I already had clientform and pyparsing
installed, so the only missing dependency I was prompted to install
was mechanize -- and I promptly forgot about the others.

Arturo Busleiman wrote:
> Once I switched to kubuntu 7.10, several of my twill-python and twill-sh
> scripts stopped working regarding form detection.

Yep; Arnaud Fontaine introduced this patch on python-twill, introduced
with Gutsy (you had an easy_install'ed twill before, right?):

--- twill-0.9~b1.orig/setup.py
+++ twill-0.9~b1/setup.py
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
       author_email = 'titus at idyll.org',

-      packages = ['twill', 'twill.other_packages',
-                  'twill.other_packages.mechanize',
+      packages = ['twill',

I think it would be best if Arnaud removes this patch from Ubuntu's
-diff.gz until the correct python-<bundledpackages> hit the

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