[twill] [spam] Re: https from behind a proxy

John J Lee jjl at pobox.com
Fri Jun 23 07:31:45 PDT 2006

On Fri, 23 Jun 2006, Benjamin Scherrey wrote:

> Hmm... I presume by "It's not supported!" you mean regarding the
> standard python libraries rather than twill specifically? I did see the
> 2nd recipe you listed and that got me going doing httplib stuff but no
> joy for twill as of yet. Thanx for the info.

Yes, Python standard library doesn't support it, and therefore neither 
does twill.  But there's no real reason twill -- or mechanize, between 
twill and the stdlib -- couldn't implement this without waiting for the 
stdlib.  No reason other than lack of somebody to actually do it, of 
course (it's on my list, but so are lots of other things).


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