[TIP] get fixtures for each parameter or global variables?

James bjlockie at lockie.ca
Sat Oct 22 11:15:38 PDT 2016

On 2016-10-22 01:40 PM, holger krekel wrote:
> Here is how i would write the equivalent without any concept of global state:
>      # conftest.py
>      def pytest_addoption(parser):
>          parser.addoption("--A", action="store", default=None, help="a option")
>          parser.addoption("--B", action="store", default=None, help="b option")
>      @pytest.fixture(scope="module")
>      def a(pytestconfig):
>          return pytestconfig.getoption("A", skip=True)
>      @pytest.fixture(scope="module")
>      def b(pytestconfig):
>          return pytestconfig.getoption("B", skip=True)
>      # testscript.py
>      class TestAClass:
>          def test_1(self, a, b, request):
>              print 'inside {0}-{1} step'.format(
>                self.__class__.__name__, request.function.__name__)
>              print 'a={0}, b={1}'.format(a, b)
> The test_1 function can simply use the "a" and "b" argument names in order to use the fixtures defined in the conftest.py file.  pytest was specifically designed to avoid global state. In fact, pytest keeps no global state whatsoever internally.
> holger
If I have test_2, test_3, etc. that all take parameters a, b, is 
pytestconfig.getoption being called many times?

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