[TIP] Not able to patch modules used in __init__.py

Sijo Jose mailtosijojose at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 06:55:56 PDT 2016

I've the following code in the *__init__.py* file

    *from time import sleep*
*    from functools import wraps*

*    def multi_try(func):*
*        @wraps(func)*
*        def inner(*args, **kwargs):*
*            count = 0*
*            while count < 5:*
*                resp = func(*args, **kwargs)*
*                if resp.status_code in [200, 201]:*
*                    return resp*
*                sleep(1)*
*                count += 1*
*        return inner*

While writing tests for the above decorator I'm not able to patch the the
*time.sleep* properly.

See the test below, even though I've patched time module, still the sleep
function inside the decorator getting called, thereby test case require 5+
seconds to finish.

    *def test_multi_try_time():*
*        with patch("time.sleep") as tm: *
*           mocker = MagicMock(name="mocker")*
*           mocker.__name__ = "blah"*
*           resp_mock = MagicMock()*
*           resp_mock.status_code=400*
*           _json = '{"test":"twist"}'*
*           resp_mock.json=_json*
*           mocker.return_value = resp_mock*
*           wrapped = multi_try(mocker)*
*           resp = wrapped("p", "q")*
*           assert mocker.call_count == 5*
*           mocker.assert_called_with('p', 'q')*
*           assert resp == None*

Also I tried this,

*`with patch("dir.__init__.time" ) as tm:*`


`*with patch("dir.utils.time" ) as tm:*`

That resulted in

`*AttributeError: <module 'dir/__init__.pyc'> does not have the attribute
*Sijo Jose*
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