[TIP] pytest-2.7.3: fixes and py35 compat

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Tue Sep 15 04:57:02 PDT 2015

Hi all,

I just pushed pytest-2.7.3 to pypi which contains bugfixes including
compatibility to python3.5 which was released yesterday.

In case you wonder, pytest is a widely used mature test runner both for
unit and functional test purposes in python.  See http://pytest.org for
documentation and examples.

Thanks to contributors for this release, among them:

Bruno Oliveira, Florian Bruhin, Floris Bruynooghe, Ronny Pfannschmidt,
Eric Hunsberg, Barney Gale, Guido van Rossum, Matthias Matthias
Bussonier, Stefan Zimmermann, Thomas Kluyver, Pieter Mulder, Raphael

holger krekel 

P.S.: we are also preparing a pytest-2.8 which has a much longer list of

2.7.3 (compared to 2.7.2)

- Allow 'dev', 'rc', or other non-integer version strings in `importorskip`.
  Thanks to Eric Hunsberger for the PR.

- fix issue856: consider --color parameter in all outputs (for example
  --fixtures). Thanks Barney Gale for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.

- fix issue855: passing str objects as `plugins` argument to pytest.main
  is now interpreted as a module name to be imported and registered as a
  plugin, instead of silently having no effect.
  Thanks xmo-odoo for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.

- fix issue744: fix for ast.Call changes in Python 3.5+.  Thanks
  Guido van Rossum, Matthias Bussonnier, Stefan Zimmermann and
  Thomas Kluyver.

- fix issue842: applying markers in classes no longer propagate this markers
  to superclasses which also have markers.
  Thanks xmo-odoo for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.

- preserve warning functions after call to pytest.deprecated_call. Thanks
  Pieter Mulder for PR.

- fix issue854: autouse yield_fixtures defined as class members of
  unittest.TestCase subclasses now work as expected.
  Thannks xmo-odoo for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.

- fix issue833: --fixtures now shows all fixtures of collected test files, instead of just the
  fixtures declared on the first one.
  Thanks Florian Bruhin for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.

- fix issue863: skipped tests now report the correct reason when a skip/xfail
  condition is met when using multiple markers.
  Thanks Raphael Pierzina for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR.

- optimized tmpdir fixture initialization, which should make test sessions
  faster (specially when using pytest-xdist). The only visible effect
  is that now pytest uses a subdirectory in the $TEMP directory for all
  directories created by this fixture (defaults to $TEMP/pytest-$USER).
  Thanks Bruno Oliveira for the PR.

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