[TIP] Tox : Can I retrieve a project version from within tox.ini

Laurent Brack lpbrac at dolby.com
Tue Oct 21 12:44:41 PDT 2014

Hi Holger,

On 10/21/14, 12:17 PM, holger krekel wrote:
> Hi Laurent,
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 11:58 -0700, Laurent Brack wrote:
>> I was wondering if it was possible to retrieve a project version
>> from within tox other than by exporting it to an environment
>> variable prior to running tox.
>> something equivalent to export VERSION=`myproject --version`
>> I know that you can do something like {env:MY_VERSION:1.2} but this
>> requires that the version env. var is set prior to calling tox.
>> being able to extract this information during a tox run would be useful.
> In principle these lines work if you need a version from python code:
>      import pkg_resources
>      print (pkg_resources.get_distribution("myproject").version)
Thanks for the answer but I realize that perhaps I was really clear. I 
meant within the tox.ini file itself. I wanted to avoid having to wrap 
the tox call (see below).

Basically, I was looking for something in the tox specification which 
would allow me to do this (not from python). This ({env:MY_VERSION:1.2}) 
was an excerpt from my tox.ini which requires me to export the version 
prior to calling tox or default to a (hopefully) not too bogus value.

Sorry for the confusion

> If you for some reason can't do that you need to wrap what you call with
> a script that uses the above to set an environment variable before
> calling the script.
I wanted to avoid this. One of the reason is that this wrapper won't be 
called by devpi test. In our tox files, we upload the xunit report 
generated by pytest to a different test management system.

There are more convoluted ways to do what I want to do but I was hoping 
for a cleaner solution ... convolution always comes bite you in the rear 
end eventually :).

> cheers,
> holger

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