[TIP] virtualenv 1.11 causes ShinginPanda tox builder to fail while installing dependencies on Windows 7

Wolfgang Schnerring ws at gocept.com
Tue Jan 14 22:58:03 PST 2014

* Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk> wrote:
> > Also you might try a new candidate:
> >
> >      pip install -i https://devpi.net/hpk/dev/ "tox>=1.7.0.dev1"
> >
> > which changes/fixes the virtualenv invocation.
> I would if I could ;-) I don't know how I'd get ShiningPanda to use a 
> specific version of tox for its tox builder. I suspect there is a way as 
> it seems like a very useful thing to be able to do...

Although off-topic, I'd really like to know how to do that, too -- but I suspect
it's not possible, since at least the bootstrap.py (for the buildout builder)
and the virtualenv version (for the virtualenv builder) are hard-vendored into
the ShiningPanda plugin, i.e. it provides *its own copies* of these files,
and AFAICT there is no way to configure this. Thus, I wouldn't be too surprised
if tox was its own copy, too.


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