[TIP] Using coverage from API and command line gives different results

Alexander Todorov atodorov at redhat.com
Tue Feb 11 08:50:41 PST 2014

Hello folks,
I'm fairly new to coverage but I've noticed something strange. With the sample 
Python scripts (attached) which include modules I see the following:

If starting coverage from its API the report says:

# ./myprog
Hello __main__
Hello mymodule1
Hello mymodule2

# coverage report
Name        Stmts   Miss  Cover
mymodule1       2      0   100%
mymodule2       2      0   100%
TOTAL           4      0   100%

If starting coverage from the command line:

# coverage run ./myprog2
Hello __main__
Hello mymodule1
Hello mymodule2

# coverage report
Name        Stmts   Miss  Cover
mymodule1       2      0   100%
mymodule2       2      0   100%
myprog2         5      0   100%
TOTAL           9      0   100%

The difference as seen is that the main program file is not reported. On a 
larger project I'm trying to integrate coverage with I see exactly the opposite 
- the main program file is included in the report while the modules it includes 
are not (not all of them). All modules are in site-packages.

This is with coverage-3.7 on Fedora 20.

Any ideas or comments ? Is this a known issue or a bug?


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#!/usr/bin/env python

import coverage

cov = coverage.coverage()

import mymodule1
from mymodule2 import hello as hello2

print "Hello", __name__


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#!/usr/bin/env python

import mymodule1
from mymodule2 import hello as hello2

print "Hello", __name__


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