[TIP] finalizing tox's new parametrized configuration (RFC)

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Thu Aug 7 00:48:16 PDT 2014

I'd like to ask for suggestions/feedback regarding finalizing
the new tox parametrization configuration syntax.  What we currently have:


The question now is how to complete the "factor conditional settings" syntax
with "OR" and "AND" operations.  We are discussing it on this issue:


I currently lean towards using "," for OR and "-" for AND and am now looking
at my own tox.ini usages.

Any opinions?  Do you have tox.ini files which use combinations (currently
by exhaustively explicitely listing them) and can post them here so we 
could see to transform them using the new syntax?  

You can already try the above documentated generative features if you install
a tox dev candidate like this:

    pip install --pre -i https://devpi.net/hpk/dev/ -U tox
    # should give you 1.8.0.dev1

thanks and best,

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