[TIP] Learning fixtures in py.test :p:

Paradox paradox at pobox.com
Fri Oct 25 07:45:49 PDT 2013

On 10/25/2013 05:52 AM, holger krekel wrote:
> When pytest runs a test function it looks
> at the argument _names_ a test function requires.  And then discovers
> the fixture functions by _name_.  If you wanted to use a
> `sqlsession`` object you could do::
>      @pytest.fixture
>      def sqlsession():
>          ...  # like in your code
>          Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>          return Session()
> and then in a test:
>      def test_sql_something(sqlsession):
>          # use sqlsession instance in test
Thanks (to you and Brianna), this is just what I needed, pointed me to 
where my basic misunderstanding is (and some of my poor coding practice 
in the code I am testing).


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