[TIP] [RFC] Functional test infrastructure for PostgreSQL fixtures

Olemis Lang olemis at gmail.com
Mon Oct 7 18:30:11 PDT 2013

Hi !


I'm starting to focus on running Apache™ Bloodhound (Trac) functional
test suite against PosgreSQL DB .



ATM it's possible to use environment variables to pass DB URI to the
functional test suite . Nevertheless this is kind of raw approach
since it assumes that a few other details are solved prior to running
the test suite .



Therefore I'd like to develop the instrumentation aimed at easing the
task of running such tests . The perfect solution would imply a single
invocation of

$ python setup.py test -m tests.functional.main.postgres

... where `tests` is the top-level module containing multi-product test cases



Ideally the initial requirements I have are the following :

  - a single entry point to run tests
  - Time optimizations
    * Reusable DB pool
    * Preload data , to test upgrades from a well known
      (previous) system state
    * Automatic creation of DB templates
  - Create and drop local clusters
    * ... vs listing (selecting) existing PostgreSQL clusters
  - Multi-platform
    * Linux
    * Unix & other derivatives
    * Windows
    * Mac OS
  - A minimal number of dependencies upon 3rd-party libs
    * ideally built on top of unittest2 & psycopg2



I'm looking for feedback, suggestions and recommendations of libraries
suitable for PostgreSQL fixtures setup and management as stated above


I'll appreciate any comments on this subject



Olemis - @olemislc

Apache™ Bloodhound contributor

Blog ES: http://simelo-es.blogspot.com/
Blog EN: http://simelo-en.blogspot.com/

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