[TIP] On the subject of using twill nowadays for in-process testing

Olemis Lang olemis at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 20:32:41 PDT 2012

I've been using twill since some time ago and the successive
wsgi_intercept incarnations . I like the work made by Titus , Grig ,
... et al. ...

Besides Trac uses twill for functional testing , and Apache™
Bloodhound [1]_ is a derivative of Trac .

... so we were discussing yesterday what shall we use to write
functional tests for Bloodhound , and noticed that ( apparently? )
twill has not been updated since 2007 . So I wonder whether it's
recommended to use it nowadays , and maybe if there's something (
better | different and worth to try | faster | actively maintained |
... ) .

Thanks in advance for your help .

PS: The «I like it» statement above might induce you to think this is
a rhetoric question but I ask mainly because I've been unplugged off
the list since some time ago , so I might be missing something that is
obvious for you . So I forward the question to you looking for
expert's opinions

.. [1] Apache™ Bloodhound



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