[TIP] structure of a testing talk

andrea crotti andrea.crotti.0 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 02:38:51 PDT 2012

2012/10/2 andrea crotti <andrea.crotti.0 at gmail.com>:
> I'm preparing a talk about unit testing in Python, and I'm thinking
> about what to say and in which order..
> So far I came up with the following structure of key points, what do
> you think?
> Am I missing something important or anything else that could be useful?
> * Python is very dynamic
> ** No help from the compiler
> ** Very bad errors coming only at runtime
>    examples of functions that fail miserably only at runtime
> ** We need to test our code even harder
> * Functions
> ** Pure functions
> ** Side effects, and why they are bad
> ** Test pure functions (with a simple module)
> * Testing
> ** Unit testing, integration testing, functional testing
> ** TDD and test first development
> ** Examples and demo about TDD
> * unittest libraries
> ** Setup / Teardown
> ** Test discovery
> ** Coverage
> ** Nose + coverage
> * Mock library
> ** Python dynamic binding and by-hand examples
> ** Testing side effect functions
> * Conclusions
> ** Avoid side effect whenever possible
> ** Build your programs bottom-up, composing small functions
> ** Before writing the code, think how you could test it

By the way, the slides are already available here (in RST)

And you're free to steal them if you want when they will be ready..

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