[TIP] nose: rudolf and coverage

David Baumgold david at davidbaumgold.com
Wed Jun 20 12:20:53 PDT 2012

I use nosetests[0] with the coverage plugin, but I love colors in my terminal. The "rudolf" plugin[1] provides nose output with pretty colors, but says that it's incompatible with plugins that use the .report() plugin method, including the coverage plugin, due to an issue with nose. The plugin also hasn't been updated since 2007, and it looks like some kind soul has updated the plugin and uploaded it to PyPI as "rudolf2" [2]. It appears that rudolf2 is still incompatible with coverage, but it no longer documents that. 

What are the chances that the rudolf module (or another module that does the same thing) can be written that works with coverage? Have the issues that prevented this in 2007 been resolved?

[0]: http://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
[1]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/rudolf/
[2]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/rudolf2

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