[TIP] testing against HTTP services

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Sun Dec 9 12:00:21 PST 2012

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Alfredo Deza <alfredodeza at gmail.com> wrote:
> For the longest time, I've been working with gigantic applications where
> testing was slow because everything depended on the whole application
> running.
> Even if you had an isolated, granular test that didn't need a database, a
> database would be created for you. And you would have to wait for it.
> Right now things are different in my current environment. A few of the core
> functionalities of this application have been decoupled and are now
> independent HTTP services. This is great for modularity, but poses a problem
> for testing.
> The current approach for running a test in application Foo that talks to
> HTTP service Bar, is to run the Bar HTTP service as part of some setup.
> This seems straightforward, it is only an HTTP service after all, but what
> happens when that service become expensive to run? What if it needs a
> database and other things in order to run properly? What if it gets to the
> point where you need to wait for several seconds just to bring it up for
> your test that takes 0.01 to complete?
> If Bar keeps getting updated, having Foo test Bar against a number of
> versions is a pain multiplier.
> I've heard a few ideas, but I am interested in what you guys have
> experienced as a good approach. Here are the list of things I've heard, some
> of them include ones that I am using:
> 1. Bring the real HTTP service with whatever dependencies it needs to test
> against it.
> 2. Mock everything against the HTTP service with canned responses
> 3. Use #1 for recording answers and run subsequent tests against it using
> the recorded responses.
> 4. Have "official" mocks from the HTTP service where behavior is maintained
> but setup is     minimum.
> All of the above have some caveat I don't like: #1 is slow and painful to
> deal with, #2 will always make your tests pass even if the HTTP service
> changes behavior, #3 only works in certain situations and you still need at
> least a few slow setups and deal with a proper setup of the whole HTTP
> service, #4 is a problem if the HTTP service itself wasn't crafted with 3rd
> party testing in mind, so that mocks can be provided without reproducing the
> actual app again.
> Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
> -Alfredo

I'm an advocate of 4. You can deal with third party services yourself
by creating a dedicated test service which you perform comparison
tests again (so you write a test against the real service, and also
run it against your test service.) Then, you have a test service with
validated behaviour, and you can use that in your actual project that
wants to consume the slow service.


Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Cloud Services

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