[TIP] Tasting the Cheeseshop

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Sun Oct 16 01:52:41 PDT 2011

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
> My understanding is that py.test is able to output JunitXML, which works well
> for Jenkins integration.  Ideally, we'd again have some standard reporting
> formats that a Python program could consume to explicitly know what happened
> during a test run.  I'm thinking something like having `python setup.py test`
> output a results.json file which contains a summary of the total number of
> tests run, the number succeeding, failing, and erroring, and a detailed report
> of all the tests, their status, and any failure output that got printed.  From
> there, it would be fairly straightforward to consume in taster, or transform
> into report files for Jenkins integration, etc.

I suggest -either- junitxml or subunit (or at a pinch TAP) rather than
*yet another test format* (even if its json, in defining a protocol
for the contents, you're writing a new format : don't do that).

subunit is progressively outputtable, junitxml requires the run to
complete to be output.


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