[TIP] [ANN] flexmock 0.9.1

Herman Sheremetyev herman at swebpage.com
Mon Nov 28 08:03:59 PST 2011

Greetings python testers,

flexmock 0.9.1 is out, adding support for a number of popular test runners:

  * unittest2
  * django
  * twisted/trial
  * zope.testrunner
  * subunit
  * testtools

unittest, py.test and nose were previously supported.

As usual the integration is completely automatic so all you need to do
in your tests is "from flexmock import flexmock" and start mocking.

You can download the latest tarball from
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/flexmock or do what you usually do and:

$ sudo easy_install flexmock



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