[TIP] unittest2.util

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Sep 27 14:46:19 PDT 2010

  On 27/09/2010 22:41, Matthew Woodcraft wrote:
> Michael Foord<fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk>  wrote:
>> Matthew Woodcraft wrote:
>>> But I think what I'd really like here is
>>> for something like TestCase._formatMessage to be public: it seems to me
>>> that pretty much anyone writing a custom TypeEqualityFunc is going to
>>> want this facility, and it's bit of a shame to have to reimplement it.
>> Ok - that's a reasonable request. Can you raise an issue for it?
>> https://code.google.com/p/unittest-ext/issues/list
> I tried, but it won't let me without a 'Google account' :-(. Would it be
> helpful if I put it in as a wishlist request on the Python tracker?

Ok, fine.

>>> The other is unorderable_list_difference.
>> That's in unittest in Python 2.7 - so I doubt it will be removed /
>> moved. :-)
> Excellent. Thank you for your quick response.
>>> In this case, I think what I'd really like is a (variant of)
>>> assertItemsEqual which always uses the form of output it chooses for
>>> 'unsortable' items, as I find it's usually easier for me to read.
>> I don't understand what you mean by this. What are you trying to compare
>> and why is the output not good enough?
> Here's an example:
> a = [('b', (2, 3)), ('w', (3, 4))]
> b = [('x', (2, 3)), ('w', (3, 4))]
> case.assertItemsEqual(a, b)
> unorderable_list_difference gives
> Expected, but missing:
>      [('b', (2, 3))]
> Unexpected, but present:
>      [('x', (2, 3))]
> while the current assertItemsEqual gives
> Sequences differ: [('b', (2, 3)), ('w', (3, 4))] != [('w', (3, 4)), ('x', (2, 3))]
> First differing element 0:
> ('b', (2, 3))
> ('w', (3, 4))
> - [('b', (2, 3)), ('w', (3, 4))]
> + [('w', (3, 4)), ('x', (2, 3))]
> I find the first more convenient.
> In general, I think that in assertItemsEqual, the 'first differing
> element' bit (that has come from assertSequenceEqual) is as likely to be
> misleading as it is to be helpful.

Can you report this too (just copy it into the tracker) and I'll look at it.



> -M-
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