[TIP] Coming changes to unittest2 plugins

Michael Foord michael at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Sep 27 08:38:09 PDT 2010

  On 27/09/2010 16:36, holger krekel wrote:
> Hi Tarek, Michael,
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 16:47 +0200, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Michael Foord<michael at voidspace.org.uk>  wrote:
>>> package.module:Class
> The advantage of this notation is that it's explicit and clear what
> is the module part and what is the object ...

Isn't the last part always the object? Or am I missing something...

>>> I hate the colon but it is how entry points do it *anyway*. Function based
>>> plugins will still be possible, but will *require* an initialization
>>> function that takes the hook set.
>> Minor nitpick: I don't think you need a colon here. After some
>> discussion we are dropping it in distutils2 in all places where we
>> point code, since it's easy to find which part is the module and which
>> part is not when configuring a code location.
>> see distutils2.util.resolve_name()
> whereas this helper requires to import the actual package.
> I'd rather like to be able to derive as much information from
> the static distutils2 metadata as possible.  Concretely, using
> "a.b.c" notation for entry points would make it harder to write
> a tool that takes setup.cfg and generates a setuptools-compliant
> setup.py. Or am i missing something?
> best,
> holger


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