[TIP] New project workflow and best practices

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Nov 26 17:46:01 PST 2010

On 11/11/2010 09:42, Gabriele Lanaro wrote:
> I started a new "almost dummy" project to test the new functionalities 
> of unittest2 but I'm encountering a lot of issues, I think because I'm 
> not finding the best practices of python testing. I'm looking for 
> suggestion on how to approach the development, here's my workflow:
> 1) create a directory structure and a setup script:
> bashpy/
>         setup.cfg
>         README
>         bashpy/
>               __init__.py
>               commands.py
>         tests/
>               __init__.py
>               test_commands.py
> 2) Write some functions in the bashpy.commands module, say 
> `mkdir(src)` and `rm(src)`
> 3) Write test classes in test_commands.py
> from bashpy.commands import mkdir,rm
> import unittest2 as unittest
> class TestRm(unittest.TestCase):
>     def test1 ...
> class TestCp ....
> 4) Run the tests
> from the root directory
> $ unit2 discover
> ... correct output from the tests ...
> ... oh! I failed TestRm.test1 !!!...
> 5) Run a specific test to solve problems:
> $ unit2 bashpy.tests.test_commands.TestRm.test1
> ImportError: No module named bashpy
> What I'm doing wrong? There's a similar linear workflow/best practices 
> used to avoid import problems etc?

Sorry for the late reply. If your package layout is as described then 
your tests aren't inside the bashpy package - they are alongside it. So 
the correct invocation for step 5 should be:

$ unit2 tests.test_commands.TestRm.test1

All the best,

Michael Foord
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