[TIP] Capture HTTP traffic

Olemis Lang olemis at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 06:36:27 PDT 2010

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 3:52 AM, Alex <alex.lavoro.propio at gmail.com> wrote:
> I prefer not to hijack host configuration, use a proxy, or mock the
> server, since they either result in a lot of work, and difficult to be
> deployed in a CI server like Hudson, in which the test are not only
> run automatically, but the "setup" (hijack host file) and "restore" of
> the test environment is also preferably done automatically.

JFTR ... we have a similar situation in TracRpc Plugin functional test
suite . In that case the 'black-box' target is tracd standalone
server, but any other software would be the same since it just
considers a process launched via subprocess . This is CI-ed using
Hudson. Ports are reserved by reading /proc filesystem (see ciutils
for further details ;o). Writing a proxy for testing is as simple as


class TC(TestCase) :
    def test_XXX(self):
        def wsgi_proxy(environ, start_response):
            # Record assertion targets
            # (i.e. to_assert is shared by two processes)
            to_assert = XXX
            # Return fake request
        from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
        httpd = make_server(host, port, wsgi_proxy)
        httpd.handle_request()      # Time-out would be nice ...
        # Wait a little if necessary ... then move on


What I'm trying to say is that I've seen people doing things like
these before and it's not as scary as it seems ... This is just a
sketch . I'm sure you'll can find better ways to do this , if you
choose this way .


> The best solution would be a high-level (HTTP-level) Python
> module/wrapper for 'pycap', which operates in 'packet' level.
> I cannot find anything which does what I've just describe. Please
> correct if I am wrong.

... but this way may be interesting as well , specially if proxy setup
of C app turns out to be complicated . But in a dedicated test slave
global proxy setup might help .



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