[TIP] Some simple examples for testing stuff

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Mar 10 14:48:54 PST 2010

On 10/03/2010 21:50, C. Titus Brown wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 01:48:28PM +0000, Michael Foord wrote:
>> On 09/03/2010 06:12, C. Titus Brown wrote:
>>> An example of using 'discover':
>>>    http://github.com/ctb/SomePackage/tree/master/examples/discover/
>> Hi Titus,
>> As I said to you in a private email, but perhaps it bears discussing
>> here,  test discovery (unittest2 or the discover module) doesn't
>> automatically look in package files (__init__.py) by default.
>> That's actually the expected (by me) and documented behaviour - although
>> whether it is correct or not is debatable, and I'm open to discussion on
>> the subject.
> Hi Michael,
> I guess I was confused by this paragraph in the docs at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/discover/0.3.2:
> """
> If a test package name (directory with __init__.py) matches the pattern then
> the package will be checked for a load_tests function. If this exists then it
> will be called with loader, tests, pattern.
> """
> I interpreted that to mean "if a test package name matches the *test* pattern
> then..." which apparently it does not?

The critical part of that sentence is 'if'... By default the pattern 
includes '.py' so directories (package name) won't match - however you 
are free to change the pattern so that they do (and if a package name 

I'll try and make it clearer that by default package names won't match, 
but you are free to change the pattern so that they do match.

>> Part of the reason for it is my distaste for putting anything
>> (especially tests) in your __init__.py. It is also relatively common
>> practise to explicitly import your tests from sub-modules into the
>> package level __init__ - so that custom collection code only need import
>> them from the package and not have to visit all the submodules. Where
>> this is the case, visiting the package as well as the sub-modules in
>> discovery by default would find every test *twice*.
> Good point; I was just confused by the docs.
> cheers,
> --titus


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