[TIP] unittest2 and the future of nose

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Mar 4 13:59:33 PST 2010

Wow - a really interesting email Jason, and one I'm very pleased to read 
- both for the future of nose and for the future of unittest.

(Note - huge discussion on #testing-python has just happened and I don't 
feel up to writing it all out. I will probably reply to a couple more of 
the emails in this thread and make the main points as I see them. Main 
take away - a clean and flexible extension mechanism for unittest / 2 is 
a very important factor.)

On 04/03/2010 20:51, jason pellerin wrote:
> nose has always been intended to be an extension of unittest -- one
> that opens unittest up, makes it easier to use, and easier to adapt to
> the needs of your crazy package or environment.
> Fact: unittest2 is coming:
> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/unittest2.shtml
> ... indeed, it's already here (just not yet in stdlib).

Well - strictly speaking unittest2 is a backport of what *is* in the 
standard library in Python 2.7. unittest2 will never be in the standard 
library for 2.4-2.6 of course, and it is for users of those versions of 
Python that unittest2 exists.

> It does test
> discovery (though not by default),
Not sure what you mean by default? Test discovery is built in and 
available from the command line - you need to trigger it with a command 
line parameter however.

> can support test functions (though
> not by default),
unittest2 will almost certainly not support test functions by default ever.

> will eventually support a better form of
> parameterized tests than nose does,
Well, we have to catch up with nose first.
> and also will eventually support
> at least class and module-level fixtures.
This is partly implemented already in unittest2 (in Hg - not in a 
released version).

> Second fact: I have very little time to work on nose anymore, and with
> offspring #2 due any day now, that's not going to change much for at
> least a few years.
> Third fact: setuptools is dying, distribute is going with it, and
> something called distutils2 is going to rise to take its place. This
> matters because a LOT of nose's internal complexity is there to
> support one thing: 'python setup.py test'. If that command goes away
> or changes substantially, nose will have to change with it.

Input on the distutils2 "setup.py test" command will be appreciated. :-)

> Fourth fact: many high-level nose users want it to be released under a
> more liberal license than LGPL and won't become contributors
> until/unless that happens.
> I think this all adds up to starting a new project. Call it nose2.
> Call it @testinggoat. Whatever it's called, it should be based on
> extending unittest2, and designed to work with distutils2's test
> command. It should support as much of the current nose plugin api as
> is reasonable given the changes in unittest2. And it should be BSD or
> MIT licensed (or some reasonable equivalent) so more people feel
> comfortable contributing.

I was intending to put some of the features that people currently 
appreciate in nose (like test functions and better support for using 
bare assert statements) into a module called simpletest. Maybe it makes 
more sense for that module to be called nose2 and for other people to do 
the work... :-)

All the best,

> And, crucially, it must not depend on me writing 90% of the code and
> reviewing all of it. To succeed, nose2 needs to be a community project
> -- not *my* project.
> Which means it's not going to happen unless enough of you folks are
> interested and have time to commit.
> What do you think?
> JP
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