[TIP] Using mock library (written by Michael Foord)

Максим Lacrima lacrima.maxim at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 00:58:20 PST 2010

Hello Michael!

Thanks for your reply! Yes, this approach works great for me. And actually I
think there is another approach, which also can be used:

class TestSomething(object):
    @patch('module.attribute', spec = True)
    def setup(self, mock_atrribute):
        self.mock_attribute = mock_attribute

    def test1(self):
        assert self.mock_attribute.called

    def test2(self):

    # more tests

Nose successfully discovers and runs these tests.

With regards,

On 28 February 2010 20:46, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk> wrote:

>  On 25/02/2010 15:06, Максим Lacrima wrote:
> Hello!
> I use mock library http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/<http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/&usg=AFQjCNESuRzqmFZL9VJ0F-gIZbCJA8bZGw>.
> There is
> no user group for the library, so I post in comp.lang.python and hope
> that people who use it will help me.
> The library allows to patch objects, using patch decorator. Patching
> is done only within the scope of the function. So if I have a lot of
> tests that need specific object to be patched I have to specify the
> same decorator for each test method:
> class TestSomething(unittest.TestCase):
>     @patch('module.Class', spec = True)
>     def test_method1(self, MockClass):
>         Class()
>         self.assertTrue(MockClass.called)
>     @patch('module.Class', spec = True)
>     def test_method2(self, MockClass):
>         Class()
>         MockClass.assert_called_with('foo')
>     @patch('module.Class', spec = True)
>      def test_method3(self, MockClass):
>         foo = Class()
>         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, foo.some_method)
>     # and more ...
> So for every test method I always do the same patching! How can I
> avoid this?
> Hello Maxim,
> I thought I saw that you got a response to this question, but I can't find
> it in the archives or on comp.lang.python...
> Anyway - patch can be used as a context manager, so one answer (if you are
> using Python >= 2.5) is to use the with statement:
> with patch('module.Class', spec=True) as MockClass:
>     test1()
>     MockClass.reset_mock()
>     test2()
>     MockClass.reset_mock()
> etc....
> All the best,
> Michael Foord
>   Thanks in advance.
> Sorry if my English isn't proper enough.
>  With regards,
> Maxim.
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