[TIP] [ANN] Robot Framework 2.5

Pekka Klärck peke at iki.fi
Tue Jun 15 02:30:53 PDT 2010


Robot Framework [1] is a generic open source test automation framework
for acceptance testing and acceptance test driven development (ATDD).
It has an easy-to-use tabular syntax for creating test cases and its
testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented
either with Python or Java. It utilizes the keyword-driven testing
approach and supports also data-driven testing and behavior-driven
development (BDD). For executable example test cases see the Quick
Start Guide [2] and the SeleniumLibrary demo [3].

Robot Framework 2.5 was released last Thursday. The biggest new
features are continuing execution on failure, stopping execution
gracefully, named arguments, and test templates to ease data-driven
testing. The new features, fixed bugs, and backwards incompatible
changes are listed in the release notes [4], and release packages are
available on the download page [5].

[1] http://robotframework.org
[2] http://code.google.com/p/robotframework/wiki/QuickStartGuide
[3] http://code.google.com/p/robotframework-seleniumlibrary/wiki/Demo
[4] http://code.google.com/p/robotframework/wiki/ReleaseNotes25
[5] http://code.google.com/p/robotframework/downloads/list

Agile Tester/Developer/Consultant :: http://eliga.fi
Lead Developer of Robot Framework :: http://robotframework.org

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