[TIP] can't install coverage.py

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Jun 9 08:18:41 PDT 2010

On 09/06/2010 16:13, Gary Robinson wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to install coverage.py. Whether I use easy_install or setup.py, I get the same error, shown below. Does anyone know why this would happen? The Python I have installed is unladen swallow, but I generally have no problem installing packages into it. Also, in case it's relevant, I'm on SUSE Linux.
> sudo python setup.py install
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "setup.py", line 50, in<module>
>      from coverage import __url__, __version__
>    File "/home/grobinson/coverage-3.3.1/coverage/__init__.py", line 12, in<module>
>      from coverage.control import coverage, process_startup
>    File "/home/grobinson/coverage-3.3.1/coverage/control.py", line 14, in<module>
>      from coverage.results import Analysis
>    File "/home/grobinson/coverage-3.3.1/coverage/results.py", line 7, in<module>
>      from coverage.parser import CodeParser
>    File "/home/grobinson/coverage-3.3.1/coverage/parser.py", line 256, in<module>
>    File "/home/grobinson/coverage-3.3.1/coverage/parser.py", line 248, in _opcode_set
>      return set([_opcode(name) for name in names])
>    File "/home/grobinson/coverage-3.3.1/coverage/parser.py", line 244, in _opcode
>      return opcode.opmap[name]
It could well be the fact that you're using unladen swallow. Recent 
versions of coverage work through bytecode modification and unladen 
swallow includes some bytecode optimisations that may be a cause of 



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