[TIP] Defining a convention for running tests, #2

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sat Feb 27 12:18:25 PST 2010

On 27/02/2010 20:13, C. Titus Brown wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've updated the README for my SomePackage example code,
>    http://github.com/ctb/SomePackage/blob/master/README.txt
> but I updated things only at the bottom of the page without integrating
> them into the example code.  I need to put some time into investigating the
> issues that came up on the previous thread, write some working code (!), bounce
> it off a few people (Michael Foord, Robert Collins, and Tarek Ziade -- anyone
> else?) and then I'll revisit the issue on the list.


  - Michael Foord: the 'suite' callable mentioned in unittest
    documentation isn't actually used or enforced, so it does not
    clash, collide, or make redundant the 'test_suite' collable
    convention defined in setuptools.

My *understanding* (and apparently confirmed by Philipp Eby's response) 
is that test_suite in setuptools specifies a suite and not a callable.


> Code contributions welcome :)
> cheers,
> --titus
> p.s. Heck, maybe we can get some unittest2 documentation updates in at the same
> time, since Michael seems to think it solves everything. :)


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