[TIP] Guidelines for where to put tests & how to package them

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Feb 26 12:46:38 PST 2010

On 26/02/2010 20:41, Robert Collins wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-02-26 at 18:29 +0000, Michael Foord wrote:
>> Well - the techniques you discuss below work for unittest based tests,
>> will they automatically work for doctest tests?
> Yes
>>   What about other test frameworks?
> If it exports a unittest test collection, yes.
>> The advantage of having a run module that collects and runs the tests
>> is that it is agnostic of which test runner is used (or at least
>> allows the *user* to be agnostic, so long as they have the right
>> dependencies installed anyway).
> Except they need to know command line options to get JUnit xml out (or
> whatever the particular CI tool needs).
> The point of the load_tests hook + discover is that with them you have
> complete control over collection, regardless of test executor being
> chosen: as long as the test executor obeys the protocol.
> I think a similar thing should apply here.

So the real requirement is that the package / module specified should 
either be a standard unittest package - or provide a load_tests function 
that returns a unittest compatible TestSuite-like object, capable of 
being run with a TextTestRunner.

If all test frameworks can adhere to this then I'm fine with dropping 
the 'run' module requirement.

> -Rob


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