[TIP] nose2: the nosening

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Aug 6 09:16:21 PDT 2010

On 06/08/2010 14:12, jason pellerin wrote:
>> Do you *just* want to load plugins and not any extra configuration into the
>> config data structure? If that is the case why not just call loadPlugin for
>> each of the plugins you want to load?
> No, I want them to load just like plugins specified in a config file,
> because if I don't, as you say...
>> The config files won't be loaded at this stage, it just means that any info
>> you want from the user config files should be pulled out in the
>> pluginsLoaded event instead of the __init__ method of the plugin.
> ... then I have to write the auto-loaded plugins differently from
> other plugins, which seems wrong. So I'd like some way to tell
> TestProgram to load a batch of plugins along with whatever
> user-specified ones it finds. Nose does this via an optional
> addplugins arg to TestProgram -- which is also very useful in writing
> tests for plugins. So I'd like to see something like that, or the
> ability to specify one or more config files to load in addition to the
> default/user-specified config.

Ok - this could also be useful for others too. main(...) now takes a 
config parameter. This can be the location of a config file and it will 
be loaded in *addition* to the standard config files.

Note that config files can have an 'excluded-plugins' section if you 
want to disable the loading of any unittest2 plugins... :-)


> JP


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