[TIP] Current unittest2 plugins: including test generators

Michael Foord michael at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Aug 6 07:39:23 PDT 2010

Hello all,

I'm posting this in a new thread in the hopes that I can tempt a few 
more of you to try out the unittest2 plugins. For instructions on 
getting the unittest2 plugins branch code see:


The latest addition to the unittest2 plugins is support for test 
generators, either as functions or TestCase methods. Enable the 
"generators" plugin from the command line or by setting 'always-on' in 
the config file. You can then use test generators (the tests are loaded 
from the generator at test load time):

. from unittest2.plugins.moduleloading import testGenerator

. class TestFoo(unittest2.TestCase):
. def _foo(self, a, b):
. self.assertEqual(a, b)

. @testGenerator
. def test_a(self):
. yield self._foo, (1, 1)
. yield self._foo, (3, 3)
. yield self._foo, (4, 2)

Test functions may also be generators using the same testGenerator 
decorator. There are also setUp and tearDown decorators (that take a 
function) in the moduleloading plugin, for use by test functions.

Generated tests from TestCase methods will share a test instance, but 
setUp and tearDown will be correctly called around each generated test.

The other plugins provided by the unittest2 branch (currently) are:

* a pep8 and pyflakes checker
* a debugger plugin that drops you into pdb on test fail / error
* a doctest loader (looks for doctests in all text files in the project)
* use a regex for matching files in test discovery instead of a glob
* growl notifications on test run start and stop
* filter individual test methods using a regex
* load test functions from modules as well as TestCases
* test generators
* integration with the coverage module for coverage reporting
* display the time of individual tests in verbose reports
* display a progress indicator as tests are run ([39/430] format) in 
verbose reports
* allow arbitrary channels for messaging instead of just the three 
verbosity levels

unittest.cfg in the plugins branch shows you all the configuration 
options for these plugins and `unit2 --help` will show you all the 
command line options.

A junit-xml plugin is "in progress" and I'll also be looking at a simple 
distributed test runner.

All the best,

Michael Foord


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