[TIP] Calculating coverage of runtime-generated functions

Nicolas Trangez Nicolas.Trangez at Sun.COM
Sat May 2 10:30:11 PDT 2009


In a project I'm working on there are several constructs like the one  
pasted at the end of this email. Recently we wanted to enhance the  
test coverage of the project, and measure this as well, using a  
standard code coverage tool.

I've been looking at both coverage.py (3.0 beta) and figleaf, both  
integrated in nose, which is the test runner we're using, but none of  
them cover the problem, not to my surprise since it seems rather hard  
to tackle. Given the code snippet below (which is obviously an  
oversimplification of the real code), coverage tools report 100%  
coverage, whilst function 'three' is not tested at all. If the  
generated functions would use more complex components in their  
closure, one really wants to test all of them.

The main question is: is there any existing tool which allows to check  
code coverage of code for which no 1-to-1 mapping to sourcecode is  

If not I guess it'd be useful to work on this, but both from a  
technical as well as from a UI point of view I expect some challenges.  
Any ideas are welcome :-)



def gen(n):
     def fun(a):
         return n * a
     return fun

two = gen(2)
three = gen(3)

import unittest
class DemoTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_two(self):
         self.assertEquals(two(2), 4)

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